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  14世纪末, 兰那国王(King Saen Muang Ma )时开始建造柴迪隆寺(Wat Chedi Luang), 想存放他父亲的遗骨, 但直到提洛卡拉王时才完成。


  这个混合印度,锡兰式的佛塔原本高90公尺,但在西元1545年一场大地震时倾倒,现在只剩下大约60公尺高,然而 500年来,它还是清迈最高的建筑物,泰国顶顶有名的玉佛就曾经放在此塔东面的佛龛里,度过八十多个年头。 柴迪隆寺几乎位于整个清迈古城的中心,寺内另一个参观的重点就是大门入口左边的城市柱(Inthakhin),据说由清迈最后一位 领导者Chao Kawila在西元1800年(有一说是1775年)从别处移过来,并且在旁边植了一株树,这株精神树会保佑这个城市直到它倒下为止。


  城市柱的由来传说是因为一位隐士向茵特拉神要求保卫清迈免于军队的凌虐, 于是茵特拉神便派了两位夜叉带了这个神柱赐给清迈,神柱的样子是一尊立佛站在一个小亭子里, 每年5月6月之间的Inthankhin节时,城市之柱会受到特别的崇拜。而平时它就北方在精神树下的小房子里,但是女生不准踏上房前的石阶, 所以任凭你怎么望也看不到。


  另一个吸引人的传说是发生在西元1317年,建造清迈城的曼格莱王骑在象背上巡视,骑到这里, 突然亮出一道闪电,将曼格莱王击毙了! 对中国人而言,这真是一个奇怪的传说,一代明君怎么会有这种下场呢? 令人唏嘘。


  Wat Chedi Luang is a Buddhist temple in the historic center of Chiang Mai, Thailand. The current temple grounds were originally made up of three temples — Wat Chedi Luang, Wat Ho Tham and Wat Sukmin.


  Also on the temple grounds is the city pillar (Lak Mueang) of Chiang Mai, named Sao Inthakin. It was moved to this location in 1800 by King Chao Kawila; it was originally located in Wat Sadeu Muang. He also planted three dipterocarp tree there, which are supposed to assist the city pillar to protect the town.


  In a viharn near the entrance to the temple is the Buddha statue named Phra Chao Attarot (Eighteen-cubit buddha), which was cast in the late 14th century. On the other side of the chedi is another pavilion housing a reclining buddha statue.

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