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发布者:      来源:南海佛教网 

  泰国帕南戳安寺(Wat Phananchoeng)约建于西元1324年,昭披耶河与楠巴沙河(Nam Pas ak)交汇处,这个地区是早期华人聚居的地方,相传此寺尊奉的是中国明朝7 次下南洋的三宝太监――郑和,虽然寺中并没有任何的郑和塑像,一尊高19公尺, 两膝间距14公尺的巨大坐佛就被华侨视为是三宝公的化身,此寺被华人称为“三宝公庙”,到了过年时,华人更是万头窜动、川流不息地来拜三宝公佛。
  Wat Phananchoeng
  Prior to the point where Pasak River and Chao Phraya River were gathered, we could notice Wat Phanan Choeng on the east side of river. It was the temple where seated the principle Buddha image called "Luang Phor Phanan Choeng" or "Sam Pa Kong" called by Thais of Chinese origin.

  Wat Phananchoeng situated on the river bank south of Ayutthaya; it is surrounded by attractive grounds with bushes and hedges trimmed in contorted shapes. A massive golden Buddha-image seems to peer down at the people as they enter. The image is believed to have been created in 1324, twenty-six years before Ayutthaya was founded. Later, during the Ayutthaya period, the temple building was put up around it. The Buddha is highly revered since, according to legend, tears came from its eyes the day Ayutthaya was sacked by the Burmese. The Chinese community has taken care of this temple for some time and decorated the hall inside with Chinese lanterns. One may walk around the Buddha and see the niches in the walls and the details of the decorations. 

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